At HTB we’re here to help protect our customers, particularly during times of uncertainty. We take information security very seriously and ask that you also be vigilant in the coming months to help prevent fraud.

Fraudsters are often very sophisticated and employ a wide range of tactics to trick people into sharing bank and other personal details, especially when they may be distracted by other concerns or stresses. Please be aware of anything out of the ordinary, for example, fraudsters could:

  • Ask you to pay an upfront fee
  • Invite you to partake in a ‘good cause’ scam such as the production of hand sanitiser
  • Encourage you to transfer existing investments into non-standard investments
  • Urge you to recuperate losses by submitting a claim, for the cost of a holiday or event such as a wedding cancelled due to coronavirus

To help protect yourself:

  • Do not click links or open emails from senders you don’t already know
  • Do not give out personal detailsReject offers that come out of the blue or returns that sound too good to be true
  • Use the FCA’s Financial Services Register to check who you’re dealing with
  • Seek financial advice before changing any of your current investments/pensions

If you receive anything suspicious, or for more information please click here to visit the FCA’s webpage on coronavirus scams.

Should you have any concerns, you can get in touch with the relevant HTB department by visiting our contact us page. We are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.