Personal Savings Blog | May 2018 – Achieving your saving goals

In order to stay motivated and ensure you are depositing a regular amount into your savings account, it is important to have goals.

That could be saving for a holiday, a new car, your wedding or the deposit for the mortgage, the list is endless. But, how do you keep track of which goals you have achieved when all of your savings are in one large pot?

Well, one way to clearly see how much you have saved towards each of your goals is to set up different savings accounts for each. With many savings accounts being relatively easy to open online and no limit to the amount you can have, this could be a simple solution.

For instance, you could have a savings pot for a rainy day, which you are able to access at any time, an account for holidays, enabling you to save up for an annual break abroad, and a longer term account for your retirement or towards your children’s or dependent’s future, which you just keep topping up. In addition, you could set up ad hoc accounts for significant one-off purchases such as a new boiler or kitchen.

Seeing each of your separate savings pots grow can really help to motivate you and encourage good savings habits in the longer term. Indeed, according to the Money Advice Service, people who set a savings goal save faster than those that don’t.

So, why not consider whether this approach could work for you? Ticking off your goals one by one could help to spur you on.

Find out more about our Personal Savings and Business Savings accounts.

Stuart Hulme
Director of Savings and Marketing