Why HTB?

      Record profitability (As at 31 December 2022)

  • HTB Group profit before credit losses & tax £96m (2021: £27m)
  • 56% Return on HTB Group Required Equity driven by string underlying HTB Bank performance and £49m gain on bargain purchase recognised on the acquisition of WBL
  • 40% growth in HTB Bank underlying operating income to £103m (2021:£73m)
  • 94% Growth in HTB Bank’s profit before credit losses, dividends & tax to £52m (2021:£27m)
  • 29% Return on HTB Bank Required Equity (2021:23%)

Financial strength

Capital and liquidity in excess of regulatory requirements (As at 31 December 2022)

  • Total Capital Ratio of 19% (2021: 22%)
  • CET1 ratio of 16% (2021: 19%)
  • Liquidity Coverage Ratio of 285% (2021: 314%)